Milton Keynes regatta is the last side by side sprint race of the season, and unusually is held over a straight line 500m course on a lake. This can cause some LBC crews challenges as we are more used to going around bends, and some may say was the reason a number of crews opted to go for coxed boats for this event.

Milton Keynes is special for another reason for LBC. In 2016 one of our well-liked club members, Andy Hill, sadly lost his life while rowing at the regatta. Milton Keynes kindly commissioned a trophy in his honour in the shape of a scale model single sculling boat, which is awarded each year to the most successful club in the masters category. We were delighted this year when LBC were awarded the trophy by winning more masters events than any other club. Andy – we hope we made you proud, this one was for you.

Not to be outdone by the masters (something that almost never happens) our younger rowers also put in some great performances including wins for our Ladies’ quad with a tough heat including a re-row, and a great row from our mixed pair.

The heavens may well have opened with biblical ferocity on the way home, but the sun definitely shone on LBC at Milton Keynes. Roll-on head race season…
…and some late breaking news, we have just been informed that LBC also won the Victor Ludorum (Latin for ‘winner of the games’, and sometimes known as the ‘challenge cup’) shared with Peterborough RC, for the most wins overall regardless of age category.